2016.09-2020.06 8858cc永利官网,水利水电工程,博士
2013.09-2016.06 太原理工大学,水利工程,硕士
2009.09-2013.06 太原理工大学,水利水电工程,本科
2020.07-2023.05 8858cc永利官网,博士后
2023.06-至今 8858cc永利官网,副研究员
担任Journal of Environmental Management、Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems、Environmental Earth Sciences、中国农村水利水电、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人,中国农业工程学会会员。
1.Wenzhi Zeng, Chang ao, Guoqing Lei. Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management:History of Irrigation in China: Schedule and Method Development
1.Lei Guoqing, Zeng Wenzhi*, Huu Nguyen Thuy, Zeng Jicai, Chen Haorui, Kumar Srivastava Amit, Gaiser Thomas, Wu Jingwei, and Huang Jiesheng. Relating Soil-Root Hydraulic Resistance Variation to Stomatal Regulation in Soil-Plant Water Transport Modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 617: 128879. (SCI 1区TOP)
2.Lei Guoqing, Zeng Wenzhi*, Yu Jin, and Huang Jiesheng. A comparison of physical-based and machine learning modeling for soil salt dynamics in crop fields. Agricultural Water Management, 2023, 277: 108115. (SCI 1区TOP)
3.Lei Guoqing, Zeng Wenzhi*, Jiang Yonghua, Ao Chang, Wu Jingwei, Huang Jiesheng. Sensitivity analysis of the SWAP model under different nitrogen applications and root distributions in saline soils. Pedosphere, 2021, 31(5), 807-821.(SCI 1区TOP)
4.Dong Liming, Lei Guoqing*, Huang Jiesheng, Zeng Wenzhi*. Improving crop modeling in saline soils by predicting root length density dynamics with machine learning algorithms. Agricultural Water Management, 2023 287: 108425. (SCI 1区TOP)
5.Dong Jianhua, Zeng Wenzhi*, Lei Guoqing*, Wu Lifeng, Chen Haorui, Wu Jingwei, Huang Jiesheng, Gaiser Thomas, and Kumar Srivastava Amit. Simulation of Dew Point Temperature in Different Time Scales Based on Grasshopper Algorithm Optimized Extreme Gradient Boosting. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 606, 127452. (SCI 1区TOP)
6.Wu Lifeng, Wenzhi Zeng*, Lei Guoqing*, Ma Tao, Wu Jingwei, Huang Jiesheng, Gaiser Thomas, and Kumar Srivastava Amit. Simulating Root Length Density Dynamics of Sunflower in Saline Soils Based on Machine Learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 197, 106918. (SCI 1区TOP)
7.Lei Guoqing, Fan Guisheng*, Zeng Wenzhi*, Huang Jiesheng. Estimating parameters for the Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration model from soil physical properties. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20, 166-180.
8.Ying Luo, Wenzhi Zeng*, Lei Guoqing*, Hou Yaling, Ao Chang, Chen Haorui, Gaiser Thomas, Kumar Srivastava Amit.. The combined application of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and Bacillus subtilis improves the salt tolerance of maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022. (SCI 2区TOP)
9.Lei Guoqing, Zeng Wenzhi*, Zhu Jiangxu, Zha Yuanyuan, Fang Yuanhao, Song Yixiao, Chen Mingyuan, Qian Yingzhi, Wu Jingwei, Huang Jiesheng*. Quantification of leaf growth, height Increase, and compensatory root water uptake of sunflower in heterogeneous saline soils. Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111(3), 1010-1027.
10.Lei Guoqing, Zhao Qiang, Zeng Wenzhi*, Wu Jingwei, Srivastava Amit Kumar, Ao Chang, and Huang Jiesheng. Effect of vertically heterogeneous soil salinity on morphological characteristics, biomass accumulation, root distribution, and transpiration of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2020, 30(6): 1579-95.
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